Hi! My name is Ryan, I’m a

Research Assistant, Digital Kormantin

University of Rochester, History Department

I used Unity 3D and C# to develop an educational game for students, enabling them to explore a historical site in Ghana and visualize information in various formats

Teaching Assistant, Data Structures and Algorithms

University of Rochester, Computer Science Department

I supervised 40 Computer Science students, meeting with them twice a week, and designed/distributed a Java auto grader utilizing custom test-cases

International Happiness of People (IHoP)

Created multiple visualizations in D3 and Mapbox to visualize world happiness data and mental health data. Developed the the project using Observable Framework

Surf N' Turf

My team and I used Game Maker Studio 2 to develop full-fledged game, wrote scripts in GML, met twice a week, and worked as a group to overcome development obstacles

Program Confinement

A C program with the primary objective of optimizing resource usage by limiting the power consumption, and time of a specific software application

Planet Guinea Pig

In 36 hours, our team created a guinea pig city-building game in Processing, totaling over 1000 lines of code, winning the prize for second-best video game


Our team created a portable search engine in just 2 days using Python, with a GUI built in Tkinter and backend powered by BeautifulSoup4, winning the prize for Most Accessible